Using a USI and ABN for easy online contributions

Making contributions is easy, however payments can be delayed if the incorrect details are provided. Please ensure that you quote the correct Unique Superannuation Identifier (USI) to fast track contributions into the correct account.

Full list of USI numbers

USIABNProduct name
SMF0126AU70 815 369 818Expand Extra
Expand Essential
IOOF Employer Super
IOOF Personal Super
Shadforth Portfolio Service

What is SuperStream?

SuperStream is an Australian Government standard for processing superannuation data and payments electronically. It is part of the Government’s Stronger Super reform, which was designed to improve the efficiency of the superannuation system. All employers are now required to be SuperStream compliant and employers who are non-compliant must be reported to the Australian Taxation Office (ATO).

How to comply with SuperStream standards

Do you have an employer plan with IOOF?


  • Transact (part of the IOOF Contribution Service) is our secure and easy to use online super contribution and administration system with clearing house facilities.
  • You can find out more information about Transact by calling our Transact Helpdesk on 1800 125 566.


  • If you use another superannuation fund as your default or primary super fund for your employees, you should ask them about any clearing house services they have available. If you use your default fund’s approved clearing house, they will be able to send contributions electronically to IOOF for employees who have chosen IOOF for their super.
  • If you use a payroll system, please check with your system provider that it is SuperStream compliant.
  • Did you know that employers with less than 20 employees or annual aggregated turnover of less than $10 million are able to use the ATO Small Business Clearing House?