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Trustee and Fund Information
IOOF Portfolio Service Superannuation Fund
AvWrap Retirement Service
- AvWrap Retirement Service Trust Deed - Deed of Amendment 23 October 2023
- Deed Poll of Variation AvWrap Retirement Service 11 October 2021
- Deed Poll of Variation AvWrap Retirement Service 1 June 2021
- Avenue Superannuation Plan Deed of Amendment 1 July 2007
- Avenue Superannuation Plan Deed of Amendment 15 August 2014
- Avenue Superannuation Plan Deed of Amendment 17 June 2015
- Avenue Superannuation Plan Deed of Retirement and Appointment of Trustee 29 June 2012
- Expand Extra Super and Pension
- IOOF Employer Super
- Expand Essential Super and Pension
- IOOF Personal Super
- IOOF Pension
- Rhythm Super (Part I and Part 11)
- Shadforth Portfolio Service – Super and Pension
Product Disclosure Statements for closed products can be accessed on the Forms page.
The Member Outcomes Assessments for the year ended 30 June 2023 can be accessed below:
2024 Annual Performance test results
MySuper (where available) and all Trustee Directed Products passed the 2024 performance test for:
- IOOF Employer Super
- IOOF Personal Super
- Rhythm Super
One Trustee Directed Product (investment option) held by a small number of members failed the 2024 performance test within these products:
Notice date | Nature of event or change | Impact of the change |
17-Feb-25 | Investment option hard closure | The following investment options are being closed to new investment effective 7 March 2025 for Expand Extra Super and Pension, Shadforth Portfolio Service – Super and Pension, and IOOF products:
12-Dec-24 | Protected Members | Notice to members that a new membership category has been established in the Fund, specifically for Protected members. Impacted members have been moved to the new Protected membership category and notified. Other members within the Fund will be notified of the new category within 12 months. |
30-Sep-24 | Intra-fund advice service | Notice to members of new service providing non-ongoing ‘intra-fund’ personal advice limited to certain topics on super accounts held with us. The costs of providing intra-fund advice are collectively charged to all members and form part of administration fees and costs shown in the Fees and Costs Summary in the PDS, with no additional costs charged. |
30-Sep-24 | Important changes to your superannuation benefit – payments to beneficiaries | Notice to members advising of changes to how we pay benefits to beneficiaries in the event of a death of a member. The changes are effective 19 August 2024 for IOOF Employer Super, IOOF Personal Super and IOOF Pension, and 30 September 2024 for Expand Essential, Expand Extra and Shadforth Portfolio Service members. |
11-Sep-24 | Investment option termination | Notice to impacted Rhythm Super members regarding investment option termination on 18 October 2024. |
17-Jul-24 | IOOF Balanced Investor Trust / MySuper Strategy change | Notice to members advising of a number of changes to IOOF Balanced Investor Trust / MySuper strategy (as applicable), including investment structure, asset allocation, fees, and strategy name (IOOF Balanced Growth). |
17-Jul-24 | Investment option closure | The Macquarie Treasury Fund (APIR code: MAQ0055AU) is closing to new money (hard closing) effective 2 September 2024 for all Expand Extra and IOOF products. |
16-Jul-24 | Investment option sell down | The following investment options are being sold down effective 2 September 2024 for Expand Extra Super and Pension, Shadforth Portfolio Service – Super and Pension, and IOOF products:
10-May-24 | Investment option closure | The WealthFocus Perpetual Industrial Share Fund (APIR code: PER0011AU) is closing to new money (hard closing) effective 7 June 2024 for all Expand Extra and Shadforth Portfolio Service products. |
16-Apr-24 | Investment option closure and termination | A range of OnePath and Optimix Managed Investments are terminating for Expand Extra Super, Expand Extra Pension, IOOF Employer Super, IOOF Personal Super and IOOF Pension, effective 21 May 2024. |
8-Apr-24 | Investment option closure and termination | Notice to impacted Rhythm Super members regarding investment option closure and termination on 20 May 2024. |
8-Apr-24 | Pricing of De-listed Investment options | From 28 March 2024, we have updated the unit price of the following De-listed Investment options with a nil unit price. As a result some clients may notice a reduction in their portfolio valuation if holding the following De-listed Investment option/s:
26-Feb-24 | Enhancements impacting clients' Income preferences | Notice to Managed Discretionary Account (MDA) clients of Expand Extra and Shadforth Portfolio Service about changes to the following Income Preference: Income Instruction - percentage, effective 30 March 2024. Other members within Expand Extra and Shadforth Portfolio Service will be notified within 12 months. |
19-Feb-24 | Investment option closure | The Macquarie Master Balanced Fund (APIR code: MAQ0058AU) was closed to new money (hard closed) effective 21 March 2024 for Expand Extra, IOOF Employer Super, IOOF Personal Super and IOOF Pension products. |
18-19 January 2024 | Investment option closures | The Martin Currie Property Securities Fund (APIR code: SSB0128AU), UBS Balanced Investment Fund (APIR code: SBC0815AU) and UBS Defensive Investment Fund (APIR code: SBC0814AU) were closed to new money (hard closed) effective 23 October 2023. The Dexus Asian REIT Fund (APIR code: APN0023AU) was hard closed effective 14 December 2023. The closures impact Expand Extra, IOOF Employer Super, IOOF Personal Super IOOF Pension, and Shadforth Portfolio Service products. |
25-Oct-23 | Successor Fund Transfer and Change of Trustee and Administrator and Administration Fee (where applicable) | Notice to Symetry and FinHQ members to inform them of the change of Trustee to IOOF Investment Management Limited and successor fund transfer to Rhythm Super including a change of administrator, grandfathering of administration fees or change in administration fees and other feature changes. These changes take effect on 2 December 2023. |
6-Sep-23 | Enhancements impacting clients’ Income preferences | Notice to Managed Discretionary Account (MDA) clients of Expand Extra and Shadforth Portfolio Service about changes to Income Preferences effective 12 October 2023. Other members within Expand Extra and Shadforth Portfolio Service will be notified within 12 months. |
29-May-23 | Income Protection premium rates and changes to Terms and Conditions | Notice to members of Expand Extra Super, Expand Essential Super, Shadforth Portfolio Service (SPS) Super, IOOF Employer Super and IOOF Personal Super, about changes to Income Protection premium rates and some Terms and Conditions, effective 1 July 2023. |
23-Feb-23 | Changes to: brokerage fees; Cash Account; Administration costs paid from the reserve; Family Fee Aggregation; investment options; Protecting Your Super refunds; Administration Fee and Account Keeping Fee (subset of members) | Notice to members of Expand Extra, Expand Essential, Shadforth Portfolio Service (SPS), IOOF Employer Super, IOOF Personal Super, IOOF Pension about the following changes effective 31 March 2023:
Information for our 2023 Annual Members' Meeting