We're here to help

It’s good to have questions about your super and investments because the more you find out, the more you can do with it. Whether your question is general or about your own situation, we’re here to help.

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Message us

Select the 'Need help' icon in the bottom right corner of your screen to message us directly

Message us

Call us

Call our friendly staff for a fast response to your query
1800 913 118

8am to 6pm local time Monday to Friday
Free from landlines and most mobile phones

Other ways to contact us

Online enquiry

If you prefer to email us please complete our general enquiry form.

Hearing and interpreting services

For members who have hearing or speech difficulties or would like to speak with us in a language other than English.


If you're disappointed with any of our products, or the service you've received so far, we'd like an opportunity to make this right.

Other contact information

Head Office

Insignia Financial Ltd

ABN 49 100 103 722

Level 1, 800 Bourke Street

Docklands VIC 3008

Postal address

IOOF Holdings Ltd

GPO Box 264

Melbourne VIC 3001


DepartmentContact details
Expand Extra
Expand Essential
Phone: 1800 517 124
International: +61 3 8614 4967
Email: clientfirst@myexpand.com.au
Online access (Expand Online)
IOOF Employer Super
IOOF Pension
IOOF Personal Super
Phone: 1800 913 118
International: +61 3 8614 4967
Email: clientfirst@insigniafinancial.com.au
Online access (IOOF Online)
MLC MultiActive
MLC MultiSeries

Phone: 1800 002 217
Email: investorservices@insigniafinancial.com.au
Online access (Portfolio Online)
OnePath Superannuation, Pensions & Investments – OneAnswer Frontier, OneAnswer and Integra productsPhone: 133 665
International: +61 2 8366 1505
Email: General Enquiry Form

If you have any questions please refer to the IOOF Transact user guide

If you have questions that this guide does not answer, you have the following options: 

ProductsContact details
Expand Extra
Expand Essential
Phone: 1800 517 124
Email: clientfirst@myexpand.com.au
Adviser online access
IOOF Alliances
(Self-licensed AFSL solutions)
Phone: 0419 416 076
Email: andy.marshall@insigniafinancial.com.au
IOOF Employer Super
IOOF Pension
IOOF Personal Super
Phone: 1800 913 118
International: +61 3 8614 4967
Email: clientfirst@insigniafinancial.com.au
Adviser online access
MLC MultiActive
MLC MultiSeries

Phone: 1800 002 217
Email: investorservices@insigniafinancial.com.au
Adviser online access (Portfolio Online)