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Choice of managed funds
For full details of each of the self-selected managed funds available please click on the links below.
- AB Global Equities Fund
- abrdn International Equity Fund
- abrdn Multi-Asset Income Fund
- abrdn Multi-Asset Real Return Fund (Class A)
- abrdn Sustainable Asian Opportunities Fund
- abrdn Sustainable Emerging Opportunities Fund
- abrdn Sustainable International Equities Fund
- Acadian Global Managed Volatility Equity Fund - Class A
- Acadian Wholesale Geared Sustainable Global Equity Fund
- Allan Gray Australia Equity Fund
- Allan Gray Australia Stable Fund
- Alpha High Growth Fund
- Alpha Moderate Fund
- Alphinity Australian Equity Fund
- Alphinity Australian Share Fund
- Alphinity Concentrated Australian Share Fund
- Alphinity Global Equity Fund - Active ETF Class A
- Alphinity Sustainable Share Fund
- Altius Sustainable Bond Fund
- Antares Dividend Builder
- Antares Income Fund
- Antipodes Emerging Markets Fund
- Antipodes Global Value Fund
- Antipodes Global Fund (Class P)
- Ardea Real Outcome Fund
- Arrowstreet Global Equities Fund Hedged
- Arrowstreet Global Equity Fund
- Aspect Diversified Futures Fund - Class A
- ATLAS Infrastructure Australian Feeder Fund - Hedged
- ATLAS Infrastructure Australian Feeder Fund AUD Unhedged
- Ausbil 130/30 Focus Fund
- Ausbil Active Dividend Income Fund
- Ausbil Active Sustainable Equity Fund
- Ausbil Australian Active Equity Fund
- Ausbil Australian Emerging Leaders Fund
- Ausbil Global SmallCap Fund
- Ausbil Investment Trusts - Australian Geared Equity Fund
- Australian Ethical Australian Shares Fund - Wholesale
- Australian Ethical Balanced Fund (Wholesale)
- Australian Ethical Diversified Shares Fund (Wholesale)
- Australian Ethical Emerging Comp Fund Wholesale
- Australian Unity Wholesale Property Income Fund
- AXA IM Sustainable Equity Fund
- Barrow Hanley Global Share Fund - Class A
- Bell Global Emerging Companies Fund
- Bendigo Balanced Index Fund
- Bendigo Balanced Wholesale Fund
- Bendigo Conservative Index Fund
- Bendigo Conservative W'sale Fund
- Bendigo Defensive Index Fund
- Bendigo Defensive W'sale Fund
- Bendigo Growth Index Fund
- Bendigo High Growth Index Fund
- Bennelong Australian Equities Fund
- Bennelong Concentrated Australian Equities Fund
- Bennelong ex-20 Australian Equities Fund
- Bentham Global Income Fund
- Bentham Professional Global Income Fund
- Blackrock Advantage Australian Equity Fund
- Blackrock Advantage Hedged International Equity Fund
- Blackrock Advantage International Equity Fund
- BlackRock Diversified ESG Growth Fund
- BlackRock Diversified ESG Stable Fund
- BlackRock Global Alloc (Aust) (Class S)
- BlackRock Global Allocation Fund (Aust) (Class D units)
- BlackRock Tactical Growth Fund - Class D Units
- BNP Paribas C WorldWide Global Equity Trust
- Brandywine Global Opportunistic Fixed Income Fund Class I
- Candriam Sustainable Global Equity Fund
- Capital Group New Perspective Fund (AU)
- Capital Group New Perspective Fund Hedged (AU)
- CC Sage Capital Absolute Return Fund
- CC Sage Capital Equity Plus Fund- Class A
- Celeste Australian Small Companies Fund
- Challenger Guaranteed Income Fund 4.80 cents p.a. 31 May 2026 (MV$1)
- Challenger Guaranteed Income Fund 5.25 cents 30 November 2027
- Challenger Guaranteed Income Fund 5.25 cents 30 November 2028
- Charter Hall Direct Industrial Fund No.4
- Charter Hall Maxim Property Securities Fund
- ClearBridge RARE Infrastructure Value Fund - Hedged Class A Units
- ClearBridge RARE Infrastructure Value Fund - Unhedged Class A Units
- Colchester Global Government Bond Fund - Class I
- Colonial First State Future Leaders Fund
- Dexus AREIT Fund
- Dexus Core Infrastructure Fund - On platform Class A
- Dexus Wholesale Australian Property Fund - Class M
- Dimensional Australian Core Equity Trust
- Dimensional Australian Large Company Trust
- Dimensional Australian Small Company Trust
- Dimensional Australian Sustainability Trust
- Dimensional Australian Value Trust
- Dimensional Emerging Markets Sustainability Trust
- Dimensional Emerging Markets Value Trust
- Dimensional Five-Year Diversified Fixed Interest Trust
- Dimensional Global Bond Sustainability Trust
- Dimensional Global Bond Trust
- Dimensional Global Core Equity Trust
- Dimensional Global Core Equity Trust (Hedged AUD)
- Dimensional Global Large Company Trust
- Dimensional Global Real Estate Trust
- Dimensional Global Small Company Trust
- Dimensional Global Sustainability Trust AUD Hedged Class Units
- Dimensional Global Sustainability Trust Unhedged Class
- Dimensional Global Value Trust
- Dimensional Short Term Fixed Interest Trust
- Dimensional Sustainability World Allocation 70/30 Trust
- Dimensional Sustainability World Equity Trust
- Dimensional Two-Year Sustainability Fixed Interest Trust
- Dimensional World Allocation 30/70 Trust
- Dimensional World Allocation 50/50 Trust
- Dimensional World Allocation 70/30 Trust
- Dimensional World Equity Trust
- Eiger Australian Small Companies Fund
- Eley Griffiths Group Small Companies Fund
- Epoch Global Equity Shareholder Yield (Hedged) - Class A
- Epoch Global Equity Shareholder Yield (Unhedged) - Class A
- Fairlight Global Small & Mid Cap (SMID) Fund
- Fairview Equity Partners Emerging Companies Fund
- Fidelity Asia Fund
- Fidelity Australian Equities Fund
- Fidelity Australian High Conviction Fund
- Fidelity China Fund
- Fidelity Future Leaders Fund
- Fidelity Global Emerging Markets Fund
- Fidelity Global Equities Fund
- Fidelity India Fund
- Firetrail Absolute Return Fund - Class A
- Firetrail Australian High Conviction Fund - Class A
- First Sentier Geared Australian Share Fund
- First Sentier Global Listed Infrastructure Fund
- First Sentier High Growth Fund
- First Sentier Responsible Listed Infrastructure Fund - Hedged Class
- First Sentier Wholesale Australian Share Fund
- First Sentier Wholesale Balanced Fund
- First Sentier Wholesale Conservative Fund
- First Sentier Wholesale Diversified Fund
- First Sentier Wholesale Equity Income Fund
- First Sentier Wholesale Geared Share Fund
- First Sentier Wholesale Imputation Fund
- First Sentier Wholesale Property Securities Fund
- First Sentier WS Global Listed Infrastructure Fund
- First Sentier WS Global Property Securities Fund
- FirstChoice Wholesale Geared Global Share Fund
- Flinders Emerging Companies Fund - Class B
- Franklin Australian Absolute Return Bond Fund
- Franklin Templeton Global Aggregate Bond Fund - W Class
- GMO Systematic Global Macro Trust - Class B
- GQG Partners Emerging Markets Equity Fund - A Class
- GQG Partners Global Equity Fund - A Class
- Greencape Broadcap Fund
- Hamilton Lane Global Private Assets Fund
- Hyperion Global Growth Companies Fund
- Hyperion Small Growth Companies Fund
- IFP Global Franchise Fund
- IFP Global Franchise Fund (Hedged)
- IML Concentrated Australian Share Fund
- Impax Sustainable Leaders Fund
- Intermede Global Equities Fund
- Invesco Wholesale Global Opportunities Fund - Hedged
- Investors Mutual All Industrials Share Fund
- Investors Mutual Australian Share Fund
- Investors Mutual Australian Smaller Companies Fund
- Investors Mutual Equity Income Fund
- Investors Mutual Future Leaders Fund
- IOOF Balanced Growth (MySuper)
- Ironbark GCM Global Macro Fund
- Ironbark Paladin Property Securities Fund
- Ironbark Brown Advisory Global Share Fund
- iShares Aust Listed Property Index Fund
- iShares Australian Bond Index Fund
- iShares Australian Equity Index Fund
- iShares Hedged International Equity Index Fund
- Janus Henderson Australian Fixed Interest Fund
- Janus Henderson Cash Fund- Institutional
- Janus Henderson Conservative Fixed Interest Fund
- Janus Henderson Diversified Credit Fund
- Janus Henderson Global Multi-Strategy Fund
- Janus Henderson Tactical Income Fund
- Janus Henderson Wholesale Global Natural Resources Fund
- JPMorgan Global Macro Opportunities Fund - Class A Units
- JPMorgan Global Strategic Bond Fund
- Kapstream Absolute Return Income Fund
- La Trobe Australian Credit Fund - 12 Month Term Account
- Lazard Australian Equity Fund - Class I Units
- Lazard Emerging Markets Equity Fund
- Lazard Global Listed Infrastructure Fund - Class W
- Lazard Global Small Cap Equity Advantage Fund
- Lazard Select Australian Equity Fund - W Class
- Lennox Australian Small Companies Fund
- Loomis Sayles Global Equity Fund
- Macquarie Australian Fixed Interest Fund
- Macquarie Australian Listed Real Estate Fund - Class A
- Macquarie Australian Listed Real Estate Fund - Class O
- Macquarie Australian Shares Fund
- Macquarie Australian Small Companies Fund
- Macquarie Conservative Income Fund
- Macquarie Corporate Bond Fund
- Macquarie Dynamic Bond Fund
- Macquarie Global Listed Real Estate Fund - Class A
- Macquarie Income Opportunities Fund
- Macquarie International Infrastructure Securities Fund (Hedged)
- Macquarie International Infrastructure Securities Fund (Unhedged)
- Macquarie Real Return Opportunities Fund
- Magellan Global Fund - Open Class Units (Managed Fund)
- Magellan Global Fund (Hedged)
- Magellan High Conviction Fund
- Magellan Infrastructure Fund
- Magellan Infrastructure Fund (Unhedged)
- Man AHL Alpha (AUD)
- Maple-Brown Abbott Australian Share Fund Wholesale
- Maple-Brown Abbott Diversified Investment Trust
- Maple-Brown Abbott Global Listed Infrastructure - Hedged
- Maple-Brown Abbott Global Listed Infrastructure Fund
- Martin Currie Diversified Growth Fund
- Martin Currie Equity Income Fund
- Martin Currie Real Income Fund
- Martin Currie Select Opportunities Fund
- Martin Currie Sustainable Equity Fund
- Martin Currie Sustainable Income Fund - A Class
- Melior Australian Impact Fund
- Merlon Australian Share Income Fund
- Metrics Direct Income Fund
- MFS Global Equity Trust
- MFS Hedged Global Equity Trust
- Milford Australian Absolute Growth Fund - Class W
- Milford Dynamic Small Companies Fund
- MLC Cash Management Trust
- MLC Global Private Equity Fund
- MLC Index Plus Balanced
- MLC Index Plus Conservative
- MLC Index Plus Growth
- MLC MultiActive Australian Shares
- MLC MultiActive Balanced
- MLC MultiActive Capital Stable
- MLC MultiActive Cash Enhanced
- MLC MultiActive Conservative
- MLC MultiActive Diversified Fixed Income
- MLC MultiActive Geared
- MLC MultiActive Global Shares
- MLC MultiActive Growth
- MLC MultiActive High Growth
- MLC MultiActive Moderate
- MLC MultiActive Property
- MLC MultiSeries 30
- MLC MultiSeries 50
- MLC MultiSeries 70
- MLC MultiSeries 90
- MLC Real Return Assertive
- MLC Real Return Moderate
- MLC Wholesale Horizon 4 Balanced Portfolio
- MLC Wholesale IncomeBuilder
- Morningstar Australian Shares Fund
- Morningstar Balanced Real Return Fund
- Morningstar Balanced Real Return Fund - Class B
- Morningstar Growth Real Return Fund
- Morningstar Growth Real Return Fund - Class B
- Morningstar High Growth Real Return Fund - Class A
- Morningstar High Growth Real Return Fund - Class B
- Morningstar Moderate Real Return Fund
- Morningstar Moderate Real Return Fund - Class B
- Morningstar Multi Asset Real Return Fund
- Munro Global Growth Fund
- Mutual Cash (MCTDF)
- Nanuk New World Fund
- OC Dynamic Equity Fund
- OC Micro-Cap Fund
- OC Premium Small Companies Fund
- OnePath Alternatives Growth Fund
- OnePath Wholesale Australian Share Trust
- OnePath Wholesale Diversified Fixed Interest Trust
- OnePath Wholesale Emerging Companies Trust
- OnePath Wholesale Global Smaller Companies Share Trust - Class A
- Orbis Global Equity Fund (Australia Registered)Retail Class
- PAN-Tribal Global Equity Fund
- Paradice Australian Equities Fund
- Partners Group Global Multi Asset Fund
- Payden Global Income Opportunities Fund - Class A
- Pendal Active Balanced Fund
- Pendal Active Conservative Fund
- Pendal Asian Share Fund
- Pendal Australian Equity Fund
- Pendal Australian Share Fund
- Pendal Concentrated Global Share Fund No.3
- Pendal Focus Australian Share Fund
- Pendal Global Emerging Markets Opportunities Fund - WS
- Pendal Horizon Sustainable Australian Share Fund
- Pendal Imputation Fund
- Pendal MidCap Fund
- Pendal Monthly Income Plus Fund
- Pendal Property Investment Fund
- Pendal Property Securities Fund
- Pendal Short Term Income Securities Fund
- Pendal Smaller Companies Fund
- Pendal Sustainable Balanced Fund
- Pendal Sustainable Conservative Fund
- Pengana Australian Equities Fund
- Pengana Emerging Companies Fund
- Pengana Global Small Companies Fund
- Pengana WHEB Sustainable Impact Fund
- Perennial Value Shares for Income Trust
- Perennial Value Shares W'sale Trust
- Perennial Value Small Companies Trust
- Perpetual Australian Share Fund
- Perpetual Balanced Growth Fund
- Perpetual Concentrated Equity Fund
- Perpetual Diversified Growth Fund
- Perpetual Diversified Income Fund
- Perpetual Diversified Real Return Fund - Class W Units
- Perpetual ESG Australian Share Fund
- Perpetual Exact Market Return Fund
- Perpetual Geared Australian Share Fund
- Perpetual Industrial Share Fund
- Perpetual SHARE-PLUS Long-Short Fund
- PIMCO Australian Bond Fund - Wholesale Units
- PIMCO Australian Low Duration Bond Fund - Wholesale Class
- PIMCO Diversified Fixed Interest Fund - Institutional Class
- PIMCO Diversified Fixed Interest Fund - Wholesale Class
- PIMCO ESG Global Bond Fund - Wholesale Class
- PIMCO Global Bond Fund - Wholesale Class
- PIMCO Global Credit Fund - Wholesale Class
- PIMCO Income Fund - Wholesale Class
- Platinum Asia Fund C Class
- Platinum European Fund C Class
- Platinum International Brands Fund C Class
- Platinum International Fund C Class
- Platinum International Technology Fund C Class
- Platinum Japan Fund C Class
- Plato Australian Shares Income Fund - Class A
- Plato Global Shares Income Fund
- Platypus Australian Equities Fund
- PM CAPITAL Enhanced Yield Fund
- PM Capital Global Companies Fund
- Premium Asia Fund
- Quay Global Real Estate Fund (Unhedged)
- RQI Australian Value - Class A
- RQI Australian Small Cap Value - Class A
- RQI Global Value - Class A
- RQI Global Value Hedged - Class A
- Realm Short Term Income Fund
- Resolution Capital Core Plus Property Securities Fund - Series II
- Resolution Capital Global Property Securities Fund (Managed Fund)
- Resolution Capital Global Property Securities Fund Series II
- Resolution Capital Global Property Securities Fund Unhedged SERIES II
- Robeco Emerging Conservative Equity Fund
- Russell Balanced Fund - Class A
- Russell Conservative Fund - Class A
- Russell Diversified 50 Fund - Class A
- Russell Growth Fund - Class A
- Russell High Growth Fund - Class A
- Russell Investments Ventura Diversified 50 Fund - Wholesale Class
- Russell Investments Ventura Growth 70 Fund - Wholesale Class
- Sandhurst IML Industrial Share Fund
- Sandhurst Strategic Income Fund - Class B
- Schroder Absolute Return Income Fund - Professional Class
- Schroder Absolute Return Income Fund - Wholesale Class
- Schroder Australian Equity (W Class)
- Schroder Australian Equity Fund - Professional Class
- Schroder Fixed Income Fund - Wholesale Class
- Schroder Global Value Fund - Wholesale Class
- Schroder Global Value Fund (Hedged) - Wholesale Class
- Schroder Real Return Fund - Wholesale Class
- Schroder Specialist Private Equity Fund - Professional Class
- Schroder Sustainable Global Core Fund
- Schroder Sustainable Growth Fund - Professional Class
- Schroder Sustainable Growth Fund - Wholesale Class
- SGH Australian Small Companies Fund
- SGH Ex-20 Australian Equities Fund - Class A
- SGH LaSalle Global Listed Property Securities
- SGH Property Income Fund
- Smallco Investment Fund
- Solaris Australian Equity Long Short Fund
- Solaris Core Australian Equity Fund
- Solaris Core Australian Equity Fund (Performance Alignment)
- Specialist Australian Shares Fund
- Specialist Diversified Fixed Interest Fund
- Specialist Global Shares Fund
- Spheria Australian Microcap Fund
- Spheria Australian Smaller Companies Fund
- State Street Australian Equity Fund
- State Street Climate ESG International Equity Fund
- State Street Global Equity Fund
- Stewart Investors Worldwide Sustainability Fund
- Strategic Australian Equity Fund
- Strategic Cash Plus Fund
- Strategic Fixed Interest Fund
- Strategic Global Property Fund
- Strategic Infrastructure Fund
- Strategic International Equity Fund
- Strategic Sustainable Global Bond Fund
- T.Rowe Price Dynamic Global Bond Fund
- T.Rowe Price Global Equity (Hedged) Fund
- T.Rowe Price Global Equity Fund
- Talaria Global Equity Fund - Currency Hedged (Managed Fund)
- Talaria Global Equity Fund (Managed Fund)
- Tribeca Alpha Plus Fund - Class C Units
- Tyndall Australian Share Wholesale Fund
- UBS Australian Bond Fund
- UBS Australian Share Fund
- UBS Cash Fund
- UBS CBRE Global Property Securities Fund
- UBS Diversified Fixed Income Fund
- UBS Income Solution Fund
- UBS Short-Term Fixed Income Fund
- Vanguard Aust Fixed Interest Index Fund
- Vanguard Australian Government Bond Index Fund
- Vanguard Australian Property Securities Index Fund
- Vanguard Australian Shares High Yield Fund
- Vanguard Australian Shares Index Fund
- Vanguard Balanced Index Fund
- Vanguard Conservative Index Fund
- Vanguard Emerging Markets Shares Index Fund
- Vanguard Ethically Conscious International Shares Index Fund
- Vanguard Global Aggregate Bond Index Fund (Hedged)
- Vanguard Global Infrastructure Index Fund
- Vanguard Global Infrastructure Index Fund - Hedged
- Vanguard Growth Index Fund
- Vanguard High Growth Index Fund
- Vanguard International Credit Securities Index Fund (Hedged)
- Vanguard International Property Securities Index Fund
- Vanguard International Property Securities Index Fund (Hedged)
- Vanguard International Shares Index Fund
- Vanguard International Small Companies Index Fund
- Vanguard International Small Companies Index Fund (Hedged)
- Vanguard Intn'l Fixed Interest Index Fund Hedged
- Vanguard Intn'l Share Index Fund (Hedged)
- Vertium Equity Income Fund
- Walter Scott Global Equity Fund
- Walter Scott Global Equity Fund (Hedged)
- Walter Scott Global Equity No. 1 Fund
- WaveStone Australian Share Fund
- WaveStone Dynamic Australian Equity Fund
- Western Asset Australian Bond Fund
- Western Asset Global Bond Fund
- Winton Global Alpha Fund
- Yarra Australian Equities Fund
- Yarra Enhanced Income Fund
- Yarra Global Small Companies Fund
- Zurich Investment Global Thematic Share Fund
- Zurich Investments Australian Property Securities Fund
- Zurich Investments Global Growth Share Fund
- Zurich Investments Managed Growth Fund
- Zurich Investments Unhedged Global Growth Share Fund