When you register for DDO Online you can submit reporting on transactions outside of our product's target market, those that you determine to be significant dealings as well as submit complaints reporting as requested in our Target Market Determinations (TMD). If you are submitting reporting on behalf of multiple entities, please complete the details for each below.

After you have submitted your details below we will process your registration to access DDO Online. When this is completed we will then send you an email with a link for you to complete the registration by accepting the Terms and Conditions for DDO Online and set up your DDO Online password. 

User contact details

A mobile phone number is required to send you a verification code

This will be your username and where we send emails to complete your registration

Distributor details

Name of the entity submitting reporting

Include at least one: ABN / AFSL / FAR / ACL or Other entity number

Name of the entity submitting reporting

Include at least one: ABN / AFSL / FAR / ACL or Other entity number

Name of the entity submitting reporting

Include at least one: ABN / AFSL / FAR / ACL or Other entity number

Your Privacy

We collect the above information to register you for our DDO reporting process, and will use this information as part of meeting our DDO obligations. Your personal information will be handled in accordance with our privacy policy.

Having issues registering?