We know you have a business to run, so we make it quick and easy for you to manage super for your staff and meet your obligations.

We offer resources to help you manage your plan. Everything from onboarding materials to clearinghouse services.

Manage your super responsibilities

Onboarding new employees

Your staff super plan is more than just an obligation, it's a valued staff benefit that enables employees to feel confident and secure in their financial future. As your preferred super provider, we have all the introduction and onboarding documents and materials to support your needs.

Administer your plan

Policy committee

A policy committee is a way for you and your employees to have a say in how the staff super plan is being run.

A policy committee is recommended for plans with more than 50 members. We can help set up a policy committee for your staff fund, provide a regular report as well as attend your meetings.

Annual reviews and resignations

Prior to the end of each financial year, we’ll ask you for the latest information on your employees to ensure our member records are correct.

Please advise us of resigned employee’s leaving date as soon as possible via your clearing house so we can transition them into our personal division. We also offer a flyer that can be passed on to any resigning employees to help them with their super.


Workplace super insights.

Clearing house

Our secure, online clearing house facility for super contributions. You can also register for transact.

Client Relationship Managers

If you have any questions, please reach out to your Client Relationship Manager.